Tuesday, December 3, 2013
goodbye oreo
Thursday, September 27, 2012
buses/trains - trains-buses but no taxi
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
shopping, train, and bus - food too
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
back to firenze - mom arriving
Monday, September 24, 2012
viareggio - toes in the sand
Sunday, September 23, 2012
meeting over caffe
Walked 12,359 steps = 6.22 miles.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
pinnochio festival
Got back to apartment around 7pm and was still full from pranzo and didn't feel like walking back into town. So I put on my jammies, read my kindle, and had popcorn for dinner. Not very exciting but my cheapest meal yet, €0.99.
Walked 6,477 steps = 3.26 miles.
Friday, September 21, 2012
trains - knowing when to get off
Thursday, September 20, 2012
ciao from italia
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
new to me ~ varrooom
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
a surprise in july
Upon arriving home I had a lovely surprise from Erin over at Postcards from a Small Town, a macaroon cake mix from France. How fun is that!! And how sweet of her to think of me and send it.
I had Erin's name in last December's Season's Eating’s exchange and sent her some diced chili's and chipotle chili's from the sunny Southwest. How thoughtful of Erin to send me this sweet treat. I've yet to make the cake which she graciously translated the directions into English but will do so in November and will post pictures and result on the blog.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
season's eatings - a gift of spice
I'm posting from Italy, I zipped over here to spend Christmas in Rome and a time in the lovely little town of Spoleto. Have been having a wonderful time.

My Season's Eatings package arrived in a box with festive red duct tape on the outside - Love it! It came from Christina from Georgia. Christina blogs at Mele Cotte and has a lot of yummy mouthwatering posts for you to check out. Her latest post is how to make Mulling Mix. Though the holidays are coming to a close our weather is still cold and some good mulled spice wine/cider hits the spot.
I received from Christtina a cute card and gift bag and a lovely glass jar full of bay leaves. I've been thinking about seeing whether a bay tree will grow in Arizona or not so funny that bay leaves would be my gift.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
a budding artist
Friday, January 1, 2010
nuovo anno felice

Thank you for making Ice Tea For Me one of your blog stops. With millions to choose from I'm much humbled.
Here's to Happy Travels, Good Eats, and Cherished Friends. I hope this year I get to meet more of my fellow bloggers. In 2009 I met:
Diana @ Creative Structures - Acqui Terme, Italy ~ May
Diane @ Under an Olive Tree - Veroli, Frosinone, Italy ~ June
Two wonderful ladies who opened their hearts and homes ~ Gazie Mille.
PS - If you find yourself in the sunny southwest, give me a shout.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
san diego, california
This past Labor Day my mother and I took a long weekend and zipped over to lovely San Diego, California for a little rest, relaxation, and good food. It had been 12 years since I’d been there and I think longer for my mom, so it was going to be fun exploring all the wonderful sights again.
Mom was flying in from Northern California and me from Phoenix, Arizona. We arrived at about the same and thought we'd meet up at our gates as we assumed since we were flying the same airlines that the gates would be close to each other. First mistake, we assumed. Mom flew into the main terminal and I flew into the small annex since my connecting flight was from Los Angeles and was a puddle jumper. Mom connected in San Francisco so she was flying a larger plane.
After figuring out we were at different terminals and that one needed to take a 2 minutes shuttle bus to the other I called mom’s cell phone and left her a message. Assuming technology would work, oops there’s that word ‘assume’ again, I hopped on the next shuttle bus on my way to the main terminal. Seconds after the doors closed and we were on our way my cell phone rang and it was mom saying she’s on her way to the annex terminal I flew into. WHAT!! I laughed and said I was on the bus too on my way to her. Too funny. I told her to stay on the bus and come back to the main terminal where I waited for her. Was this an omen of how our weekend would go, I sure hope not.
We took a taxi to The Bristol Hotel were we had gotten a smokin’ deal for a room close to the gaslamp quarter. We arrived on a Friday morning and were leaving on Monday afternoon so we had a lot to see and not much time. Once we checked into our room we decided to hop on a ferry over to Coronado Island for lunch, beach, and revisit Hotel Del Coronado or The Del as locals call it. As a family we stayed at The Del about 35 years earlier and wanted to see if it had changed.
The ferry ride over was really nice and relaxing. When we landed out first priority was to eat as we’d both had early flights and were ready for lunch. We had a hard time deciding where to eat but we took a locals recommendation and went to a pub. I wish I could remember the name. We had a map and it looked like it was a short walk to get to the pub. Oh how maps can be deceiving. The blocks were quite long and we had 3-4 to walk. I also must mention that the weather was lovely, actually a little on the warm side as we’d dressed thinking it was going to be cool being that we were on the ocean. So being hungry, hot and a wee bit cranky we finally found the pub after what seemed like forever.
Coronado Bridge from Ferry Landing @ Coronado Island
We both had nachos and gallons of ice tea and looked at the map to chart our course for the day. We had thought of renting those pedal bikes, I thought it would be fun and easy to scurry around the island. Boy, am I glad we didn’t as a friend told me that their family (4-2 adults, 2 teenagers) found it exhausting to use the bikes. My mom is a young 75 and I 48 probably would have been able to move this bike a 100 yards before giving up. Can’t you just see that? Anyway, we decided to call a taxi to pick us up at the pub, drive us around the quaint homes on the island and deposit us at Hotel Del Coronado to relax on the beach. This was a smart move.
The homes weren’t as quaint as I remember them but 30+ years will do it to a memory. The Del was exactly as it was 30+ years ago, nothing had changed. The dark wood paneling, furniture, and the lovely gardens. It was nice to see it again but it had the musty smell of being old and the wood stair railings had a tacky feel, you know when it’s been cleaned so much with product. All that just reminded you of how old it really was.
Gardens at Hotel Del Coronado
Mom at Hotel Del Coronado Gardens
We made our way down to the beach, rolled up our pant legs and waded in ocean. It was very soothing after a busy morning. By that time we were pretty exhausted and wished we’d had some beach chairs to sit in and wiggle our toes in the water…. Next time.
Mom on Beach in Front of Hotel Del Coronado
We figured out the local bus system and took that back to the ferry for our trip across the bay. It was after 5pm and our walk back to the hotel seemed awfully long (it was 4-5 long blocks) that by the time we got to our room we were exhausted and tired. We relaxed and both read our books. By the time our stomachs told us it was time for food we were still so tired that we made our way down to the restaurant of the hotel and had a lovely meal.
On Saturday we took the tram to Little Italy and enjoyed the street market that was spread out over 3-4 blocks. They were selling everything from vegetables and fruit, herbal/organic items, meats, cheese, pasta, gelato, clothing, tablecloths, etc., etc. Oh, there was so much we wanted to buy but because we were flying with carry on only we had to be good. I’ve looked for tomato paste in a tube here in Chandler, Arizona but couldn’t find any, even at Trader Joe’s. I somehow forgot to pick some up when I was in Italy last June. I found what I was looking for at an Italian pizza/grocery store. I only bought one tube as I thought it may be confiscated at airport security as it was more than 3.4 ounces and didn’t fit in my 1 quart size baggie.
Little Italy
We had lunch and then walked around the streets. What I loved about the area is the chairs all along the sidewalk that you can sit and rest whenever you want. We stopped and enjoyed a yummy gelato. We zipped over to Horton Plaza on our way home from Little Italy but neither of us were in a shopping mood so we wandered around and then walked back to our hotel.
Mom Eating Gelato in Courtyard
Late afternoon we took the tram over to Seaport Village were we walked around looking into the little shops, down the little pier, and then had to make the hard decision of where to eat. We chose the Edgewater Grill overlooking the bay. They had reggae music playing outside and we took a seat in the corner on the patio and sat down for a lovely relaxing dinner. We both decided on a margarita, on the rocks, no salt. A great way to start out any meal I say. We shared a salad which was good but can’t remember what it was. It was a specialty salad that I remember had balsamic reduction dressing, nuts of some kind and was tasty, can’t remember anything else. For dinner mom chose seafood fettuccine and I the grilled pork chops.
Seaport Village
Both our dishes were fantastic. I hesitated in ordering the chops as this was a touristy area and pictures two thin over cooked pork chops on the bone, dry and overdone didn't appeal to me. Obviously I have an overactive imagination. Our server recommended the pork chop saying it was his favorite on the menu. I tend to go with their suggestions as they do work there after all and if I was steered in the wrong direction would reflect poorly on them and their tip. Let me just tell you this pork chop was cooked to perfection. I’m not a raw or undercooked kinda gal and this chop was done and moist, the chef knew what he was doing. This one large thick chop was served with a sherry demi-glaze over garlic mashed potatoes and asparagus. To die for, I licked the plate when no one was looking. My mom too enjoyed her pasta dish.
Towards the end of our meal we were treated to a firework show from the middle of the bay. It was very nice, a great way to end the evening. We made our way back to the hotel where we played some cards, read a little, and then retired for the evening.
On Sunday we took the bus to Birch Aquarium which is North of La Jolla and about an hour bus ride. The person I spoke with at the aquarium said the bus stops at the aquarium, which I assumed was at its front door. Please note the word ‘assume’ again. We had a relaxing bus ride (we didn’t rent a car) and were let off at the intersection/entrance to the aquarium. The driver pointed down the road for us to get to the aquarium. We aren’t averse to walking so off we went, it was another lovely day in San Diego albeit warmer then what we’d like. We walked down hill, and then of course walked up hill and we wondered just how far the aquarium was. Thank goodness it was mostly down hill. We had water with us but all I could think about was we needed to walk back up the hill to catch the return bus home. Aargh. We finally made it to the entrance of the aquarium and of course picked the line (in the sun, no shade) that the lovely young gal at the ticket booth couldn’t quite figure out that you take the money, give the tickets and move the line on its merry way. We ended up having a lovely conversation with two ladies in front of us which turned out to have some advantages, one of them was we got one ticket free.
The Birch Aquarium is really neat. It was Labor Day weekend so it was crowded but I assume it typically is on weekends. Once you get past the crying, runny nose ankle biters whose parents can’t or won’t control them you see all these amazing creatures of the sea. Pretty cool stuff. After our long trek and the slow stroll through the aquarium my feet were killing me. I was wearing the sandals I wore in Europe last May/June but I don’t remember them hurting so badly. My mom and I were both not looking forward to the trek up the hill to catch the bus so we (really it was mom that asked, I tend not to do this) asked the ladies that we chatted with in the ticket line if they would mind giving us a lift to the top of the hill. They were happy to, whew; we figured it was a good mile or so from intersection to entrance.
We caught our bus and hoped off in La Jolla for a little lunch which again we were both starving after all the walking we’d done. We ended up eating at a Mexican place right on the strip which had good margaritas and chips and salsa, but frankly the food was just so/so. Over priced and okay. We made our way back to the bus stop, hopped on the next bus back to our hotel. It was a good day, long but good.
That night we went to the Gaslamp Quarter. I’d never been there and had heard great things about it. Boy, were the sidewalks packed with people of all states of dress/undress and sober/intoxication that it was like herds of cattle slowly moving down the street with restaurants handing out coupons to get you to eat at their place. This definitely is a touristy place but it seemed like quite a few locals were there as well, which frankly surprised me. After 10 minutes of the crowds I was done. We strolled all the way down one side and up the other and since we weren’t hungry, as we had a late lunch, we stopped at the Ghirardelli ice cream store and both had sundaes of various kinds. We walked the couple of blocks back to our hotel and called it a night.
Our weekend was coming to a close; all that was left was Monday morning before we both got back on planes to home. Monday morning we got packed and then left to go find a late breakfast before we checked out of our hotel. Se stumbled across this lovely little bistro called, St. Tropez Bakery & Bistro. Quaint little French place. We enjoyed a leisurely breakfast and strolled around as we knew we’d be sitting in a plane much of the day.
We played some cards while I waited for my departure then mom bused over to her terminal to wait for her plane. It was a great weekend with lots of sun, good food, and quality time with mom. We both decided if we were to do it again we’d get a hotel by the beach, buy beach chairs and umbrellas when we arrived and plant our bums in the sand. I guess we’d done our fair share of walking this trip.
I certainly hope it doesn’t take me 12 years to get back to San Diego; it’s a lovely town with lots to do.
So mom, where are we off to next?
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
season's eating's - butter tarts

The concept of the Season’s Eating's food exchange is for you to send to the person that was randomly picked some spice or items that are regional to where you live along with a recipe that they can be used in. When you receive your ‘gifts’ of pleasure you blog about it along with pictures. How fun it that?? The person I sent items from Arizona to lives in Paris, France. I’m not sure if they received them before Christmas but hopefully they received them. I’ll blog about what I sent and to whom when I get word the package has been received.
I received my package from Jerry of Jerry’s Thoughts, Musings, and Rants. Jerry is from Burlington, Ontario Canada and I received from him some yummy maple syrup, pure maple sugar leafs, raincoast crisps, and a homemade jar of Raspberry Chambord Jam.
Jerry included with these tasty items a recipe for butter tarts. I’ve never had butter tarts before but the recipe was very easy. He even gets the mini tart shells at the grocery store in the freezer section. Now that’s my idea of quick and easy. So in my holiday shopping I put tart shells on my list of items to pick up. Now let me first tell you that here in the big metropolitan area that I live in you can pretty much find anything and everything you ever wanted, so frozen tart shells are a no brainer to me. HA, was I in for a surprise. I went to 4-5 stores looking for these tart shells but to no avail, is Chandler, Arizona residents not tart eaters or are they such great bakers that they make their own dough?? I must confess I did buy pre-made ready-to-use pie crusts but in the end decided to go homemade all the way.
Anyway, after futile attempts to find these tart shells I stopped at my local Sur La Table (one of my favorite stores) and purchased 6 cute little tart pans. I found a recipe for an easy tart dough recipe at epicurious.com and away I baked. Dough made and in the refrigerator resting for an hour. As I started rolling out the dough I realized that the rolling pin I have is old, wimpy, and I believe I’m in need of a grown-up rolling pin. One of those that doesn’t spin around a center rod but is a solid tapered wood stick that you spin the dough around to come up with a perfect circle for your pie crust. One like I see all those on the cooking shows use. I managed with my wimpy rolling pin to roll out the lovely dough for the tarts, found a Tupperware container the perfect size to cut the dough with enough clearance for the sides of the tart and proceeded to roll, cut, gently press, and cut off the excess dough from the tart. Note: Jerry said the recipe makes 2 dozen tarts but I spit the recipe in half and made 6 tarts. I don’t know if I filled the shells too full or my tart tins are bigger then the pre-made shells.
I’m not the best baker and did find my nails got in the way as I was gently pressing the dough into the tart pan. A tart or two may have had a nail indentation but the filling covered it up. Whew!!
The filling was super easy to mix together and you just fill up the tart 2/3 full and put in the oven. Jerry mentioned he won’t eat a butter tart without raisins but I didn’t have any and was not going to the store again so I put slivered almonds in some and left the others plan. Since it’s just me at home I decided to only make ½ a recipe as I knew I’d eat all of them and had already consumed enough yummy sweets that I’ve not stepped on the scale for days and that may turn into weeks. Half the recipe made 6 tarts and they came out beautifully, don’t you think? I posted the recipes below.
It’s funny that Jerry had me to send gifts to as I’ve been reading Jerry’s blog for years now, we both frequent the website Slow Travel, and I met Jerry at the Palm Desert GTG in 2007. I tried many a recipe from Jerry’s blog and I appreciate him taking the time to post them.
Thanks Jerry for the wonderful products from Canada and a new favorite of mine, Butter Tarts. Stop by Jerry’s Thoughts, Musings, and Rants, you'll enjoy his postings, pictures, and recipes.
Thank you Katie for taking the time to do Season’s Eating's. Stop by Thyme for Cooking and check out Katie's blog.
Butter Tarts
2 eggs
1 cup of brown sugar
1 cup of REAL maple syrup
4 Tbl. of butter, melted
1 tsp. vanilla
Mix all ingredients together in a mixing bowl; beat until the thickness of cream. Fill each tart 2/3 full. Makes 2 dozen tarts.
Note: Raisins and nuts can be added.
Easy Tart Crust
2 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp. coarse kosher salt
1 ½ sticks of unsalted butter – chilled & cut into ½ inch cubes
1 Tbs. (or more) ice water
2 Tbs. whipping cream – chilled
Blend flour and salt in food processor. Add butter while pulsing until mixture resembles coarse meal. Add 3 tablespoons of ice water and cream. Process just until moist clumps form adding more ice water by teaspoonfuls if dough is dry. Gather dough into a ball; flatten into a disk. Wrap in plastic wrap and chill for 1 hour. Soften slightly at room temperature before rolling out.
(can make dough 2 days ahead and keep in frig.)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
swine flu paranoia...
If you think I'm not taking the swine flu seriously may I just remind everyone that the most important preventative for not getting the flu is to Wash Your Hands!!

photo credit - unknown
Thursday, August 13, 2009
a gift that keeps on giving
What's nice about gift cards is it's a gift that keeps on giving. I still have anther 5 drinks to go on this card which should take me into September. Wahoo!! Thanks Mom & Dad.

This leads me to a question:
Did I stop at Starbuck's on a weekly basis to have the coffee or the interaction with Fred?
Readers, do you find yourself frequenting establishments because they remember the drink you like a product they keep in stock for you ~ the personal interaction? Or do you go because of location, price, and convenience?
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
it arrived

Monday, August 10, 2009
chocolate zucchini cake

Here's Barb's recipe:
Chocolate Zucchini Cake
2 1/4 cups sifted all purpose flour
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt1
3/4 cups sugar
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup buttermilk
2 cups grated unpeeled zucchini (about 2 1/2 medium)
cup semisweet chocolate chips
3/4 cup chopped walnuts
Topping 2
40 g light brown sugar mixed with 1/2 Cup (70 g) hazelnuts, toasted and chopped).
Preheat oven to 325°F. Butter and flour 13 x 9 x 2” baking pan.Sift flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt into medium bowl.Beat sugar, butter and oil in large bowl until well blended. Add eggs 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in vanilla extract.Mix in dry ingredients alternately with buttermilk in 3 additions each. Mix in grated zucchini. Pour batter into prepared pan. Sprinkle chocolate chips and nuts over.Bake cake until tester inserted into center comes out clean, about 50 minutes. Cool cake completely in pan. Serves 12.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
it happened
I’ve not made it that far South to Calabria in my trips to Italy but someday I will get there and finally meet Michelle and hopefully Cherrye @ My Bella Vita.
It’s always fun entering contests as you just never know, you may win. What entering into contests on blogs has done for me is take me to a variety of blog sites that I may never have found through my normal blog reads. Michelle’s always good at either having contests on her site or putting links in her blog to other bloggers that are having them. You rock Michelle!!
I’m happy to announce that I received an email from Michelle letting me know I was one of the lucky 5 people to win a Travelers Calabria guidebook. Yahoo!! Can’t wait for it to arrive and read about Calabria.
Thanks Michelle!!
On another note, I know I’ve been absent for too long and I promise I will be posting about my Italy trip really soon. Need to capture those memories before I forget. I appreciate you not giving up and coming back to check my blog from time to time.
Friday, May 22, 2009
italia - i made it
-endless hours of emails
-some sleeples nights
-on Italian soil - priceless
Will write more and post pictures hopefull really soon.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
let me introduce myself
I’m not sure I even have any readers left but on the sheer luck that someone accidentally lands on this blog and reads it other than my sister Tammie then let me be the first to say – Welcome.
So what’s kept me busy you ask? I’ll just make you a list because I’m good at doing that, here it goes:
Women’s ministry – I co-lead the women’s ministry at church which entails meetings, etc. that need to be attended and emails to be answered.
Women’s retreat - I was on the planning team which means regular meetings and a lot of emails not to mention I was in charge of taking care of the craft at the retreat. The craft was decorating with pretty paper a composition book so they could use it as a journal. The journals turned out great and the retreat was awesome.
Bible Study – Every Tuesday night I have the pleasure of having 6 wonderful people over at my house to do a more in-depth study of the bible. These people are like my family and I love being with them. Having it at my house means I know my house will be cleaned or at a minimum the clutter picked up at least once a week.
X GAMES @ work – with less than a 4-week notice I put together a competition with my group of 160+ at work where they split up in 8 teams, each team had a captain, team color, etc. We had 8 games for these teams to compete against each other and also arranged the catering. We had our X GAMES last Friday and it turned out great. Everyone had a wonderful time and can’t wait for the next one…. Next year thank you very much!
Vacation – did I mention I was going on vacation to Europe for 4 weeks along with my parents and am planning the whole trip myself? Oh, yes indeedy I’m planning everything from plane, train, and automobile reservations, B&B & hotel accommodations, tours, where we’re going, etc. It’s a good thing I like doing this. I will go into more detail in a later post but let me just say the first 3 weeks are planned and a done deal but the last week in Italy I still need to figure out where I want to go, sans the parents.
House – there seems to be a lot of things inside and outside that needs to be taken care of. I used to tackle these things on my own by now after many years of do-it-yourself I really have no interest in it. That’s where my lovely son comes in and helps… when I see him which frankly isn’t often enough. I have the front yard landscaping that needs to be redone thanks to the vermin I wrote about in previous posts but I really don’t want to do this until after I return from vacation. I also like to make sure my house is clean before leaving on a trip so it’s clean when I return, that means washing windows, exterior of the wood cabinets, baseboards, etc. I’ve also given myself a goal to have most of the boxes emptied and out of my garage before I leave. Thankfully I do have someone staying at my house while I’ll be away so I don’t have to worry about what to do with my cat Oreo.
So if that isn’t enough to keep me busy what do I do to myself but add one more HUGE commitment to add to the list and stress me out…
Italian Class – I signed up for a Beginning Italian class so in hopes that I may learn some more tidbits before heading off to Italy. The only problem is that this isn’t my first Italian class so I’m well aware how difficult it is learn all those irregular verbs, tenses, masculine, feminine. There’s a lot of studying that needs to be put to this. Well I started off great but couldn’t keep up with the homework with everything else I was doing so I finally let go of the stress and told my instructor Davide that I won’t be able to keep up so ‘don’t’ call on me in class but I will contribute where I can and that I will still attend. This removed a lot of stress I was putting on myself and I am learning though not at the pace of the others in class. Fortunately it’s a small class. I definitely will be able to read a lot better than the last time I was in Italia.
So dear readers that is what I’ve been up to. Nothing exciting or earth shattering, just my life. I hope to keep my posts shorter so maybe I’ll post more often and don’t think Ive forgotten that I haven’t finished posting about my home remodel, I do promise that is coming.
I have purchased technology so that I hope to blog while I’m on vacation or if nothing else journal so I can post at a later date. Thanks for hanging in there with me.
PS ~ Gail of ‘Gail – Fort Rock Glimpses’ received her package of Arizona products she won in my blogiverisary/100th post contest. Stop by her site and see all the yummy goodies I sent her.
Editors Note: Site Counter just hit 1,000 visits, so someone's stopping by my blog whether it's on accident or purpose. Yahoo!!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
and the winner is...
As previously mentioned, picking the winner was going to be done the ole fashion way. I printed out the names, cut them into pieces, folded them, and put them into a Tupperware container. I’d show you a picture but my camera died last week so no photo. I then mixed up the names really well and pulled out a piece of paper.
I’d like to congratulate Gail – Fort Rock Glimpses on winning goodies from the sunny Southwest.
This was really fun and will look for other opportunities to have a drawing. Who doesn’t like to win something?
Friday, February 27, 2009
the vermin is gone
WARNING: Before I continue I must warn you that there will be pictures at the end of this post that if you get squeamish over dead things you might not want to proceed past a certain point. I will put up another warning with plenty of notice.
Like I said in November I had an unwelcome visit from a vermin. I did not know what to do as everything I heard there isn’t much that will kill these ba@t#$d’s (excuse my French; I’ve never hated something so fiercely in my life). I didn’t know what I should do.
Besides the tell tale signs of mounds it was quite evident I had something lurking under the lawn as the neighborhood stray cat would come sit and listen to the noise the vermin were making and would pounce and attack. Bless the heart of this cat, so patient and diligent but to no avail.
One day as I was sitting at my kitchen table enjoying a caffe’ mocha I saw dirt fly up out of a mound. Not only that but the little vermin was also taunting me by actually coming out of the hole a bit so I could see it. I swear it looked me straight in the eye and snickered. The audacity!!
Well not to be out done by a 4-6” rodent I put on my shoes grabbed the shovel, gloves, plastic bag, and my camera (couldn’t miss an opportunity to capture this event) and went-a-huntin’. I took the garden hose rammed it down the freshly dug hole and turned the water on full blast and waited….
going huntin' tools: shovel, gloves, & hose
After pictures were taken, dirt put back in place, and hose put away I somewhat remember doing a little happy dance in my front yard. I was so happy the vermin was dead. Life can now get back to normal, or so I thought.
And then there were two….
Little did I know as I was doing the happy dance there was a bigger wiser vermin under my lawn rolling around in all the tunnels it had made laughing its tail off… at me.
As the days passed after I extinguished the vermin I bragged how on my first attempt I had gotten rid of it to everyone I came across. I was so happy to be done with it. Then four days later it appeared, another mound. Words can’t express how I felt (well there are words but they are not nice ones), I couldn’t believe I had another vermin in my lawn.
Because I was so successful with my first attempt to eradicate the vermin I thought I could just go out and ‘flood & kill’. Well, not this time. Every time there was a new mound I’d go flood to no avail, it was becoming quite the ritual. I started leaving my shovel in the back yard and as stealth-like as possible walk from the back to the front trying to be oh so quiet.
the distruction
I put the garden hose into the mounds and turned on the water full blast and it would never come up to the top. That’s how extensive the vermin tunnels were in my lawn. I swear there was a man in China standing in his flooded basement complaining to his wife that he just could not figure out where the water was coming from.
Time after time I did this with no ‘dead’ outcome. I came to realize how lucky I was when I took care of the first vermin because this one was driving me crazy. I purchased mole bait online that a friend told me worked for their vermin problem – no luck. I’d bought some traps at the big box store that it looked like it would take Houdini to put together but I was afraid to try this.
One Saturday morning as again I was enjoying my hot cup of caffe’ mocha I was listening to a home improvement show on the radio and they mentioned this company (Gopher Gitters) that has products and along with onsite service to get rid of ones vermin. I didn’t wait to call.
so much damage for such a little rodent..
Six hours later Gordon was at my house to set traps; 3 days later he returned to remove traps and dead vermin; it has now been 3 days and no mounds in lawn. I’ve learned my lesson on doing the happy dance a little too prematurely but Gordon seems pretty confident that there isn’t any more.
Oh how I wish I would have heard about Gordon 3 months ago before my lawn looked like golfers had been hacking at it for years. But it is finished, finito, done. BUT, if I ever do get more of those nasty yard destroying vermin, I know who to call – Ghost Busters, I mean - Gopher Gitters.
Note: Gopher Gitters has not paid me to promote their company, they got rid of my vermin. THANK YOU GORDON!!
Vermin Facts I Learned From Gordon:
~Vermin don’t hang around together, mom kicks kids out relatively young, no waiting for their 18th birthday
~Vermin have a territory; they don’t like to live close to one another
~One vermin will produce 1-2 mounds every day or so
Now all I need to do is get a gardener to come repair my yard...
********** WARNING!! **********
my torn up yard
vermin #1