Tuesday, June 10, 2008

grillin' dude

As American’s on Memorial Day we stop to remember those who sacrificed their lives for making our country free. It is also a day for baseball, hotdogs, apple pie, and Chevrolet. Anyone over 35 knows this catchy ad jingle, very clever Chevrolet. Another American pastime on Memorial Day for millions of families across the USA is to bar-b-que (BBQ).

There is no better way to enjoy a holiday then heating up the grill, cooking hotdogs and burgers along with eating potato salad, and drinking your favorite beverage. Hmmm, a good ole’ BBQ, sounds yummy to me.

Well I too decided to BBQ on this holiday, only problem was I got rid of my grill last February. Bummer dude. So I decided it was time to go get a new one. Now, I’m an intelligent educated person and decided to assemble the grill myself. Directions are included, no problemo. I figured it’d take me about 3 hours to put together.

The directions I mean pictures (I’m a visual person) were great and in three different languages, very easy to follow with French, Spanish, and Japanese lessons thrown in free. Wahoo. The screws they gave you to use are called Self Tapping Screws. I’m not going to go into a lot of detail here but let me tell you these screws were a pain in the a@@. I struggled for WAY too long and finally grabbed the power drill and took charge. Why I didn’t grab the drill sooner is beyond me. No really I am intelligent and educated.

It did not take me 3 hours to assembly the grill; it took me over 6 hours. 6 HOURS!! Needless to say after spending all day outside crawling all over the cement putting this ‘grill’ together I was cranky, tired, and sore. Was in no mood to BBQ so I went and grab some Take Out and a movie and called it a day. 6 HOURS!! but I really am over it.

And here is my new BBQ…

You know what the real kicker is? I haven’t even used the grill yet!!

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