Thursday, July 31, 2008

where did the time go?

July 31st, can you believe that the month of July is over? Where did the time go? Didn’t I just stop writing 2007 on that occasional check that I wrote? As I look at the calendar it tells me that there is only 153 days left in 2008, less till Christmas. Wasn’t it just yesterday that we were ringing in the New Year and making those never kept resolutions?

I’m not one to spend much time pondering how quickly the calendar pages are turned unless I have a trip to some wonderful place planned. What made me stop and think about where the times gone? At work I’m already scheduling meetings into November. Having to make sure they’re not scheduled too close to the 4-day Thanksgiving holiday; some people take the entire week off. WHAT Thanksgiving, but it’s only July!!

Here the little kiddos started back to school this week. Our school district is semi-year round so the summer vacation is approximately 8-10 weeks long. I’m used to school starting around the Labor Day holiday, that one holiday marks a lot of things.

1. School starting
2. You don’t wear white any longer
3. It’s the last summer holiday
4. Falls coming

Soon you’re buying Halloween candy, before you know it there’s a stuffed bird on your table and you have an urge to gorge yourself as you thumb through the ads to go Christmas shopping. Oh, what we have to look forward to.

So goodbye July I wish you’d take the hot weather with you but we’ll be stuck with that for another couple of months yet.

1 comment:

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Would be nice if the heat would just magically disappear at the stroke of midnight, wouldn't it? Alas, it's 11 am here, August 1st, and it feels just as hot as yesterday....

Happy August, though :)