Thursday, March 13, 2008

my favorite time of year

I love spring. Things are fresh and new, it’s like throwing off a heavy coat and putting on a light sweater. You can now breathe. Wild flowers are blooming, trees and grass are greening up, and yes allergies (awchoo) have arrived!!

In Arizona spring comes earlier then other parts of the US. That is one of the reasons why I live here; you have a lot of time to be outside enjoying the great outdoors. I can listen to the weather reports and hear about the record cold and tons of snow others are getting while I have my windows and doors open letting the light spring breezes and rays of sunlight into my home. There are draw backs too; if you hate hot and dry heat then this isn’t the place for you. Starting in May/June until September/October we have daytime high temperatures over 100º and lows in 80s/90s. This is no place for the wimpy I say. It is a real dry heat though. No, REALLY dry.

My fav fav favorite time is when my lemon and orange trees are blooming. There is just no other fragrance that can beat this in my opinion. If you live in an area that you can’t grow a citrus tree then the next best thing is having an Orange Blossom candle from Gold Canyon. They captured the smell perfectly. I don’t benefit from promoting this candle, it just smells good.

The blossoms are just starting to pop around here and every now and then you get a whiff - its pure heaven for me. Once the whole tree is in bloom hang on, your senses can go into overload. Unfortunately the bloom cycle only last a short time so I have my supply of candles to bring out when I’m in the mood for some citrus blossom smell.

I like to clip some of the branches and bring them into the house; the branches make a great table centerpiece too. They’re both beautiful and fragrant, really adds to a table.

I’ll post a picture real soon, currently my USB port won’t read my camera memory stick as it’s an old (IBM T40) but I’m supposed to be upgraded to an HP6910 within the next month or so and then hold on. I should have no limitations. Yes, this is a work pc. I used to have a laptop for work and desktop for home. I found I wasn’t using my desktop at all so now I do both work and personal computing on the laptop.

I hope you get the opportunity to enjoy your spring and let the sun splash upon your face. Doesn’t it just put a smile on your face?

I’d like to wish my father a Happy Birthday (a day late in this blog). He’s such a great dad who has taught me so much, given unconditional love, and is always helping out his daughters. I hope you had a great day and enjoyed your birthday dinner at the Mexican restaurant. Wish I could have joined you.

Happy Birthday Dad, Love Pete

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